
How the Shopify sales report works

Sales reporting overview

The sales report focuses on a few major ecommerce metrics – Revenue, Orders, Average Order Value (AOV), and Refund. These metrics are calculated with data directly from Shopify's API. We only take into account the orders with the following financial statuses of paid, partially paid, authorized, and partially refunded. You can learn more about the progression of financial statuses within the lifecycle of an order here.

Note that based on how your shop captures payment, financial status of an order can change from when the report was generated, which can cause slight discrepancies.

Example Shopify sales report
Example Shopify sales report

How is each metric calculated?


Revenue is calculated by summing up the subtotal price of all orders in the shop currency minus the total refund amount for that day – the revenue reported is effectively net revenue. Subtotal price is the revenue collected after discounts but before shipping, taxes, and tips. We believe this is the best representation of the revenue your shop generated for the day without inflating it with things like shipping cost and taxes.


This is a count of all orders generated within the previous day according to the shop's default timezone that fits one of the financial statuses of paid, partially paid, authorized, and partially refunded. Note that $0 revenue orders will NOT be counted in order to avoid inflating this metric and negatively impacting AOV.

Average Order Value (AOV)

AOV is calculated by dividing the total revenue with the number of orders.


Total refund amount is the sum of all refund transactions on orders with the financial status of either partially refunded or refunded.

Comparison with previous day and week

To help you better understand whether a number is good or bad, we show comparison with both the previous day (day before yesterday) and previous week (7 days prior). We calculate the metrics for these time periods with the exact same methodology. You can quickly decipher movements by looking at the percentage movement relative to the reported period metrics. The only outlier is when compared metric is 0, in which case we would show either +100% or -100%.


For our daily report, the bot queries the previous day's orders data according to the shop's default timezone. Not sure where to find your store's default timezone? You can find (and update) it in your general settings within the Shopify admin.

Shopify settings default timezone
Shopify admin timezone setting

If you'd like to setup your reporting with a timezone other than what's default in your Shopify settings, please reach out to us at support@sourcemedium.com.


We use the default currency in your Shopify admin settings.

Shopify admin settings default currency
Default currency in Shopify admin settings

Looking for information on sales breakdown? See this article.

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