Source Medium tailors unique data solutions for unique businesses

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The challenge

iRestore launched in 2016 as a direct-to-consumer beauty company focused on hair loss and hair restoration. Their FDA-cleared medical devices (called iRestore Laser Hair Regrowth Systems), consumables and hair growth supplements are sold online, through direct-to-consumer channels and Amazon marketplaces.

Kevin Chen, iRestore’s Vice President and co-founder, is focused on business growth. Over the next few years, iRestore aims to become a global beauty brand, expanding beyond their current focus on the US and Canada into international markets, and launching offline sales channels.

But iRestore was losing time and accuracy with a range of manual solutions to tracking and reporting its data. “We were using platform data, Google Analytics, our own spreadsheets, and Google Sheets as well,” Chen recalls. “We had bits and pieces everywhere.”

To realize their aspirations, iRestore needed an accurate and comprehensive dashboard that could serve as the single source of truth for all of their marketing and business data.

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Source Medium is a solution that can be tailored to your needs and business.

The solution

Chen was referred to Source Medium by a friend, and was immediately impressed by its capacity for personalization. Working with the Source Medium team, iRestore developed dashboards tailored specifically to their business, aggregating data from numerous channels and spanning all stages of their customer journey.

Unlike their intensive manual solution, Source Medium enabled the iRestore team to easily and instantly access insights, executive summaries and key business metrics.

“It would have taken a lot of time for us to work in spreadsheets, and a lot of manual work to get the data, and to present it in the way that Source Medium does in real-time,” Chen explains.

When it comes to out-of-the-box analytics software, Chen points out that many “seem to be for a larger percentage of businesses, but not tailored to a slightly larger business.” This is where Source Medium’s customization options shine:

“Each business is different, so the data, naturally, needs to be presented in different ways to be useful. I think that’s what made Source Medium stand out from other solutions.”

With greater visibility over performance, the iRestore team could make more effective data-driven decisions and optimizations, and have a greater degree of confidence in their actions. For example, Source Medium enabled iRestore to view customer retention data with more granularity than they could access in other e-commerce platforms. As a result, they could prioritize, measure and optimize towards more valuable business goals, like average revenue per customer (ARPC).

For Chen, Source Medium is the perfect choice for mid-sized companies looking to grow, “who want to adopt a stronger data infrastructure and culture within their team, but have outgrown existing out-of-the-box solutions that are more common on the market.”

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