Harnessing real-time sales insights to increase customer lifetime value (LTV)

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The Challenge

Michelle Familier is the co-founder and CMO of Sunday Citizen, an online bedding, bath, and loungewear company passionate about making luxury and comfort affordable. Founded in 2019, Sunday Citizen has quickly become a beloved brand, earning over 4,500 five-star reviews from customers of its range of home and lifestyle products. 

From its inception, Sunday Citizen has relied on data to inform business decisions around logistics, product selection and marketing. But even with a range of tools and Shopify platform data, Sunday Citizen struggled to obtain the depth and detail of information they desired.

To improve the health of their business, Sunday Citizen wanted to increase the lifetime value (LTV) of their customers. To do this, they needed to better understand their customers and their purchase decisions, diving deeper into customer demographics and frequently purchased product combinations to inform paid advertising, direct marketing and the layout of their e-commerce store.

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Source Medium has become a key resource for Sunday Citizen’s business decisions, offering valuable insights with speed, clarity and ease.

The solution

Sunday Citizen chose Source Medium to help them better understand their business. They picked Source Medium because they valued its user-friendly, human-first design - every member of their team felt comfortable using it, regardless of their technical ability.

More effectively than other tools, Source Medium offered a clear and detailed view of Sunday Citizen’s sales and customer behaviour data, delivering real-time visibility over different combinations of products purchased.

This data was used to determine what products to promote to customers with direct marketing. “If someone purchases [blanket x],” Familier explains, “Then we know via Source Medium we should email them about [weighted blanket y.]”

The same insights were also used to inform the UX of their website, allowing the team to react more effectively to sales trends and optimize the layout of their online store to feature frequently purchased product combinations more prominently. 

Most crucially, Source Medium helped Sunday Citizen to identify how they could improve the LTV of their customers. 

Thanks to the level of granularity afforded by Source Medium, Sunday Citizen could segment and compare cohort data with advertising spend. This meant they could optimize their paid advertising campaigns towards return on investment (ROI), instead of just purchase quantity.

Source Medium has become a key resource for Sunday Citizen’s business decisions, offering valuable insights with speed, clarity and ease.

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